Does losing weight make you happier?

“I’d be happier if I just lost weight”. Have you ever said these words to yourself? Sadly, a lot of us have, or have at least had a similar thought at some point in our lives. But is weighing less really the key to happiness? 

Think about it, have you ever looked back on old photos and thought you looked great, but remember hating your body at the time? Or hit your ‘goal weight’ only to still feel dissatisfied with your body or unfulfilled? These are common experiences for a lot of women, and this is because the issue has never actually been your body!

Now, don’t get me wrong, having aesthetic goals or wanting to change how you look is fine. However, if your happiness, success, or value as a human being depends on your weight or clothing size, then it’s time to unlearn that mindset! 

Here’s how gf!

Remember that your ‘ideal body’ and ‘ideal life’ might not actually be compatible 

  • If your 'dream body' requires you to diet on extremely low calories, miss social occasions with friends/family, spend all your time in the gym/exercising, and tracking everything to the gram, then is it really worth it?
  • It's fine to have physque goals, but make sure these are realistic/maintainable and still allow you to enjoy flexibility and balance
  • This may mean adjusting your expectations of how your body 'should' look and being more accepting and aware of things such as your personal genetics, time availability, age, and body type etc 

Understand that self-acceptance is not conditional!

  • You do not have to 'earn' the right to be happy by looking a certain way
  • You deserve love and acceptance (both from yourself and others) at any size/age/weight 

The issue is not your body, but your body image

Losing weight is not magic 

  • Nothing magical happens when you hit your goal simply weigh less
  • Other problems in your life aren't magically resolved
  • Despite what you might think, losing weight won't make you happier, more successful, more lovable, or a better mum/friend/partner
  • You can be an amazing person and live an abundant life no matter what your weight or clothing size bestie x 

Love TWS coach Bronte x