5 ways to manage a bad body image day 

Bad body image days are something we can all relate to. No matter how positive your relationship is with your body, we all suffer from low self-esteem at some point or another. While it may be normal to feel a little ‘bleh’ about your body, it’s important to understand that having these thoughts is not constructive or helpful to your mental and physical health.

It’s also important to understand that these thoughts are grounded in societal beauty standards, toxic diet culture BS, and even perpetuated by the patriarchy. They’re likely not your actual thoughts, but rather how you think you should feel based on society’s standards of ‘beauty’ - which are forever changing anyway! 

So, how do we actually go about overcoming these thoughts, and practicing more self-love? Here are my top 5 tips! 

Pay attention to your self-talk 

  • Instead of being mean and negative, speak to yourself like you would to a family, friend, or partner
  • What would you say to a friend who was talking about themselves negatively? 
  • Speak to yourself with compassion and remember that your language can be a powerful tool when it comes to improving your body image! 

Practice body neutrality

  • You don't need to be super positive and love every part of your body all the time!
  • If you’re already having a bad body image day, then trying to jump straight into a positive mindset around your body can be too large of a jump 
  • Instead, try simply being grateful for your body and practice body neutrality
  • Think of reasons why you appreciate your body and what it does for you every day on a functional level
  • What does your body allow you to do? Is your body strong? Are you healthy? Your body does so much for you every day, be grateful for it! 

Get some light movement in

  • Moving your body can help you to appreciate it more, and will also get some feel-good endorphins pumping
  • Do some cardio, go for a walk with a friend, or get your training session in. I promise you’ll feel better afterwards! 

Don't make decisions from a place of self-hate

  • Avoid making reactive decisions such as dropping your calories or doing excessive cardio
  • Remember, this is just a feeling, and it will pass. If you're entering a deficit as a reaction to hating your body, you're doing it for the wrong reason! 

Avoid social media

  • Try not to spend time scrolling on social media and comparing yourself to others
  • Instead, do something more constructive such as journaling, going for a hot girl walk, or calling a loved one
  • Be sure to do regular audits of who you follow, and unfollow accounts that trigger feelings of shame, guilt, or discomfort in your body 

Love TWS Coach Bronte x